Unleash your inner superhero
The first step into the entrepreneur’s heroic journey.
My first idea was to try to write an epic story where an hero set out on an adventure in this new digital and hyper-connected world. But then I realized all of us are heroes and our epic journeys have already begun!
The problem is very few people understand that this is not a vacation journey, like an African tour, where you can see all the beasts from a secure and comfortable place, and even sometimes with a good scotch. Well, here is the bad news: this is a life journey, with real dangers, real risks, and every day the challenges will be more dramatic. The only way for you to survive this journey and to create a business on the way, is to be prepared and embrace the changes. But how can you be prepared?
Here is the good news. You have the best tool ever created: Internet. It’s a powerful web of ideas, resources, connections and information,and most of this is free. However, is this enough to survive and succeed in this journey? NO. You need to give more than you get, you need a tribe.
If you create a tribe of people that share your passions, generate quality content (videos, blogs, books, pictures, podcasts) and care deeply for your followers, then you will able to make a business out of that.
It sounds easy but it is not, It really is a long journey that requires hard work. This drawing shows the idea very well.
You need to know your superpowers and use them to work on things that you love. But wait a minute Why do you need superpowers?, Why should you be working at what you love ? The answer is very simple: in this journey you will fail more times than you will succeed, and because it is really hard, the reason to persist is because you love what you do. This will be critical. This will be your secret weapon. When you use your natural talents to do things that you are passionate about, you have an advantage over the rest. At this intersection you have to develop your superpowers, such as:
Empathy, creative confidence, resilience, listening, intuition, optimism, growth mindset, discipline, persistence.
Maybe you are thinking, “I’m just not the creative type”. Well, the great news is you’re wrong. Everybody can learn and develop new superpowers at any moment of their life, including creative confidence.
With this small step is exactly where you begin your journey. Congratulations!
Have your bags packed and be ready to go, with digital and non digital tools to navigate through all the challenges ahead. You have the final decision to take action. Nobody can guarantee that you will succeed at the end, because this will depend on you. What I can guarantee is this: if you face and overcome your roadblocks, you will emerge transformed.
Finally, the most important question:
Are you happy with the work and meaning that you are creating for the world?
If your answer is YES, maybe this journey is not for you. If your answer is NO, and you are searching for a change in your life, start a business, or more importantly, if you want to do stuff that matters for others, please unleash your inner superhero, the world needs you.
It’s about doing something larger than yourself. It’s about serving the world, helping others — Walter Isaacson
You can find out more at superpower.io
More posts from J.P. Solano:
- Entrepreneurs, Credibility and The Sinatra Test
- Stephen King’s Top 20 rules for writers applied to entrepreneurs
- The Stress Paradox
- 10 Lessons learned at 99u IDEO’s studio session
- How “elBulli” turned dining into an experience
- Share your idea, nobody will care anyway
- Why not take advantage of yourself?
- Unleash your inner superhero
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